Friday, August 3, 2012

Olympian at Heart

         So another four years have passed and the Olympics are here again! It's the one time every 4 years that people actually care about sports like swimming, gymnastics or sand volleyball. It's a time for us as a nation to join together and feel pride in our country and in those who are lucky enough to represent us on this world's stage. I don't know if you're like me but I practically live for the Olympics and everything about it. It's like Christmas and the Fourth of July and the Super Bowl all rolled into one. Not only do I love watching the sporting events but I enjoy everything from the opening ceremonies to just seeing what all of the new venues look like. I can't say that I know why, but this year I have been more emotionally invested in the Olympics then I think I have ever been. Every win, every loss even, every shot of the nervous parent gives me a surge of emotion be it extreme joy or anxiety or sadness. I know that my emotions don't affect the outcome in any way, especially when most of what I'm watching happened 6 hours ago but I can't help but feel every part of the show. Even the commercials are getting me!
                                                                      (This is from one of the Proctor & Gamble commercials)
                                                                              "To Their Moms, They'll Always be Kids"

          Also, this year I have been interested following more sports than ever before. In addition to the obvious, swimming, gymnastics, volleyball and track, I've watched equestrian (one of my favs), rowing, kayaking, water polo and watching more everyday. (thank you internet for making this possible!) There's just something so inspiring about watching people living out their dreams; seeing all the hard work and all the sacrifices paying off for them. I honestly don't think there's anyone who wouldn't jump at the chance to be an Olympian if  the opportunity was offered to them. It's a dream for most of us, but for the lucky few (10,960 to be exact) it's a reality. Even when I was 11, I gave a speech to my 5th grade graduating class in which I assured everyone that when I grew up I would be an Olympic diver. Looking back it feels like one of those childhood dreams that everyone has- like being an astronaut or a fireman- but back then it felt very real.  It's so crazy to think that the Fierce Five are only a few years older than I was when I gave that speech and they actually achieved it.

        Since I am clearly not an Olympic athlete and show now signs of ever becoming one, I look up to the ones who do with respect and awe. In addition to accomplishing their life goal they are representing me and all the rest of us against the rest of the world. For me I don't get excited just about US teams and our victories but the victories of people from all over. Even though it was upsetting that South African swimmer Chad le Clos beat Phelps in the 200m butterfly, it was still so inspiring and heart warming to see him so overcome with joy on the medal stand and to see his dad celebrating and sharing that joy with him. Even though we're competing, I always feel like the Olympics brings us together. It gives us a chance to put the politics aside and focus on some friendly competition once in a while. I'm glad we still have a week or so left to cheer on new faces and old and watch history be made. As soon as London is over, I will already be looking forward to Rio 2016! USA! USA! USA!!

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